Here’s what to expect at Bethel on a Sunday Morning:
Sunday School
We meet at 9:30 and have classes for all ages, including four adult options. This is where we study the Bible and get to know each other in smaller groups. For more information about Sunday School, email the church office.
Worship Service
We have four entrances into our building; you can use any one of those. When you come in, you will be greeted and someone will be handing out bulletins. We have two main seating areas: the floor area and the balcony. Please note that we have 2 nursing areas in the balcony; if you need to nurse your baby you may want to sit in that area.
The bulletin will have a tear-off sheet and you can give us your contact information if you desire. If you want to remain anonymous for awhile, there is no pressure to give us your information. Everything is kept within the church and we don’t share your information with anyone else. You don’t have to worry about someone dropping by your house unannounced.
Most people dress casually, but if you like to dress up, that is fine too; wear whatever makes you comfortable. You are welcome just as you are!
We have a nursery for kids up to 4 years old during the sermon time. The nursery is located downstairs and is staffed by 3 people. Their names are printed in the bulletin so you know who your children will be with.
Musical Style
Our worship style is blended with an equal mix of old and new songs.
We have a time of offering during our service. As our guest, you are not expected to give. For those of us that consider Bethel to be our church home, offering is an important act of worship where we acknowledge God as being the provider of all we have.
We take time for prayer during the service. Prayer requests are printed on the back of the weekly bulletin. If you would like to be added to the prayer list, there is space in the bulletin tear-off sheet. You can put them in the offering plate or if confidential, hand them directly to a deacon or the pastor.
The pastor (or occasionally a guest speaker) will speak and teach from the Bible in ways that relate to your everyday life. Sermons last 25-35 minutes. We encourage you to bring your Bible but don’t worry if you forget one – scriptures are usually projected onto our screens during the sermon. If you prefer to read your Bible on your phone or tablet, we have WiFi throughout the building for you to connect to.
The pastor may use visuals such as video or object lessons to illustrate points as well as to keep things relevant and interesting. Sermons are posted to the website the following Monday or Tuesday of each week.
We take Communion together on the first Sunday of each quarter (January, April, July, and October). Communion at Bethel is open to all individuals who have accepted the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. You do not need to be a member of Bethel Fellowship or any other church to join in Communion with us. The decision for children to take Communion or not is left to each child’s parent(s).
Our service usually ends around 11:45. Most people stay and talk to one another and we hope you will stay and get acquainted.